Yes. It’s that time again. The period of inclement weather, fleece blankets and Pumpkin Spice Lattes has arrived: autumn. Not the favo season of your green amigos, we can tell you. The darker days mean your plants get fewer hours of sunshine, and that’s exactly what they thrived on. Therefore, the key question is: “How do I help my plants through autumn?” Well, this is how!
1. Don’t water too much!
You wouldn’t know it, but the #1 killer of plants is too much water. Especially in the autumn and winter months. This is because plants use less energy and hibernate. The leaves evaporate less quickly than in spring or summer, so they also need less water. So be careful not to water until the soil feels drier again and check that no water remains at the bottom of the pot.
Pro-tip: want to get water notifications for your plants? Try our free app!
2. Gettin’ hot in here…
With those sinking temperatures, you might still want to turn on the heating. Nothing wrong with that, but please don’t put plants on or next to a hot heater. This can cause them to dry out tremendously quickly or even burn their leaves. With at least a metre from the heating, you should be fine. With underfloor heating, your plants will quickly get too hot underfoot. This is because the roots can dry out a lot due to the heat. Put the plant on a nice little stool, table or rack and get your feet off the floor!